
YY Vertical Board One Climbing Hangboard

Original price was: $259.99.Current price is: $78.00.

SKU: FRVM867397995 Category:


The Verticalboard One has been designed to work strength, resistance and endurance during your climbing training. It is particularly suitable for strengthening the muscular, tendinous, and ligamentous structures of the fingers, forearms, arms, and back used in climbing.

This workout beam is made ofpoplar wood, offering excellent grip and respect for your skin. The rounding of the sockets has also been designed to be ascomfortableand ergonomicas possible.The center handle is ideal for all levels, whether performing one-arm pull-ups or attaching a rubber band to do offload pull-ups.

The system ofmagnetic wedgesallows you to challenge yourself and evolve by reducing the depth of the grips by 10 mm. Afraid of losing the wedges? No problem, you can store them on themagnetic mountslocated on either side of the hangboard.


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